Panasonic 7kg Full

Panasonic 7kg Full
Panasonic 7kg Full
Panasonic 7kg Full HD LED Lighting

Luxury and Powerful

Extremely comfortable


The latest and greatest smartphone, Nokia has been pushing its 5.8-inch Lumia 550 for 15 years. Despite being the most technologically advanced smartphone in Europe and Asia, the mobile-phone giant has only really started to push its mobile OS.

Last week, Nokia announced a new generation of Lumia smartphones, dubbed the Lumia 550, to complement the smartphone portfolio of the current-gen mobile-phone market. Nokia is the biggest and most widely available name in the Windows Phone category, and it’s a win-win experience for the younger buyers.

In terms of design and aesthetics, we’re not worried with smartphones – our focus is on the Lumia 550. The phone is the perfect choice for home use, for business use, and in an office setting. The Nokia Lumia 550 will provide a great home for your phone for your home theatre use. The Lumia 570 makes a wonderful companion in your living room, and with it you’ll be able to find the perfect photo when you’re in the house and your personal computer is busy. The iPhone 5, on the other hand, is about 5ft 5in and is only $35. So whether you travel to a meeting with your friends or attend a play-in with your grandparents, your phone is comfortable and fits into everyday life comfortably every step. There’s been much talk about the Lumia 570